John Martin marries - 1899

Evening Post, 23 February 1899
Quite an eventful wedding look place here at the Anglican Church yesterday.

The contracting parties were Mr. John Martin, the well known Laird of Purutanga, and Miss Dymes, who has only recently arrived from England.

The bride was attired in a handsome brocaded silk costume, with the orthodox veil and orange blossoms, while the bridesmaids, Miss Freda Martin and Miss Gladys Quicke, both charmingly attired. Mr. Webster, of Wellington, acted as best man.

The Rev. Mr. Young, of Carterton, was the officiating clergyman.

The church, which was crowded, was prettily decorated with flowers and evergreens.

After the ceremony, the bride and bridegroom and guests adjourned to Mr. W. Martin's fine old homestead at Hungurau, where they found a most sumptuous luncheon awaiting them.

After many congratulatory toasts, the happy couple left about 3.30 o'clock for Masterton, enroute for Auckland, where they intend spending the honeymoon.

John Martin was the son of Johnny Martin, founder of Martinborough.
