Fawns found but horse lost - Martinborough 1899

Wanganui Chronicle and Patea-Rangitaiki Advertiser, December 18,1899
Mr Moorhouse, the Wellington Acclimatisation Society's ranger, and two assistants, who have been out on the ranges beyond Martinborough, Wairarapa, for the purpose of securing young deer, had a rough experience. They secured eight fawns, but lost a pack horse, which slipped over a precipice whilst travelling along a mountain track. 
The party reports having come across a large number of wounded deer, many having their legs broken, evidently as the result of promiscuous shooting, and one or two carcases were found, which gave evidence of having been partly used for the sustenance of sheep dogs or rabbit packs. 
Six of the fawns secured are being kept for the Government, and will probably be sent to the Waikaremoana, district. 
Some of the Virginian quail imported into the colony some months ago are reported to be thriving well in the Wairarapa, and nesting, and the American black duck sent to Heaton Park, Rangitikei, are doing satisfactorily.
