Tourist Office staff overpowered by goats' heads

Otago Witness, 3 March 1909
An exceedingly fine collection of wild goat heads has just been received by the Tourist Department (says the Post). The horns on the heads are magnificent. The animals were shot in the Martinborough country, towards tho coast. Some of them are intended for the New Zealand court at the Franco-British Exhibition, where they should attract considerable attention from sportsmen.

They attract considerable attention already, and that is not confined to hunters, for the odour of the goats' heads is overpowering, and is experienced even in Panama Street. The staff at the Tourist Office has been doing all it could to deodorise the premises, but have used Friar's balsam for the purpose with astonishing effect. When the goats' heads leave for London they will have a fervent farewell from the tourist staff.
