1942 Earthquake: Restless night - Further Shocks

Evening Post, 26 June 1942


(P.A.) MASTERTON, This Day.
During the night there were a number of slight tremors and three very sharp shocks. The Prime Minister (Mr. Fraser) inspected earthquake damage in Wairarapa yesterday and expressed admiration and appreciation of the manner in which all concerned had risen to the occasion and of the fine spirit with which the people of the Wairarapa were facing the situation.

He consulted with Mayors, Town Clerks, and county representatives concerning the earthquake position. Mr. Fraser expressed appreciation of the civic organisation and the efforts of the Army and the various Government Departments. There was, he said, complete co-ordination between the Housing Department and the Commissioner of Defence Construction in making men and materials available to undertake repair work.

Mr. Fraser expressed the sympathy of the Government and of Parliament with the people of the district in their trying ordeal. The Government would co-operate in every possible way to repair the damage and restore the whole of the area as soon as possible."

Source: Papers Past: Evening Post, 26 June 1942

Further reading: A night of terror - the 1942 earthquake


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