1942 Earthquake: Other townships damaged

Evening Post, 26 June 1942

Carterton and Greytown did not escape.

In Carterton, the Post Office was knocked about, and was roped off. The clock had stopped at 11.20.

The heavy masonry front of a W.F.C.A. store which looked ready to crash into the street at any moment was propped up by timbers while demolition work went on.

Rear of the Wairarapa Pastoral and Agricultural Society building in Memorial Square, Carterton. There is some rubble on the ground.

The brick part of the Wakelin Brothers flour mill in Carterton, showing a barricade in place.

In Greytown the whole front of another W.F.C.A. store had tumbled across the footpath and roadway and smashed a petrol pump in the process. Residential damage was confined chiefly to damaged chimneys.

Chimneys were down in Featherston, but compared with other places the damage here was slight. A garage was badly cracked, and a crack showed in the Bank of New Zealand. A chimney on the Bank of Australasia had crashed through the roof.

Source: Papers Past: Evening Post, 26 June 1942

Further reading: A night of terror - the 1942 earthquake


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