Greytown Presbyterian Church celebrates - 1892

Evening Post, 19 April 1892

The annual tea and public meeting connected with the Greytown Presbyterian Church was held last night, when there was a large gathering.

A sumptuous tea was provided by the ladies of the congregation, and at the after meeting the pastor of the church (the Rev. Charles Murray) presided.

In his opening address, Mr. Murray said the condition of the church financially was very satisfactory, and the members were happy and harmonious together. Very little was required to place them beyond liability of any kind, when he hoped they would be able to provide something for their poor, and contribute more liberally to the Foreign Mission Fund.

The Rev. Mr. Lymburn, of Martinborough, the Rev. W. Rouse (Wesleyan), and the Rev. Mr. Hope, from the Hutt, also spoke.

The choir sang some anthems very sweetly, and a lady and some gentlemen contributed solos. The Sunday-school connected with the Church, under the superintendency of Mr. Black, has an average attendance of between 70 and 80.


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